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Livestream Event: Learn About Iceland’s Beautiful Highlands!

Join us on June 15 at 3pm ET for a discussion on this unique Icelandic landscape!

On June 15 at 3pm ET // 12pm PT, Iceland Naturally will be going live from our Facebook page for a discussion on the Icelandic Highlands with host, Jón Gauti. An avid explorer, Jón just recently returned from an excursion to the Icelandic glaciers and will be joining us to discuss what makes the Icelandic Highlands so special and unique! He will be focusing on what to look out for during your travels, how to expect the unexpected, and how to safely explore the Icelandic wilderness.  

Iceland’s Highlands stretch across the center of the country, and cover over 15,000 square miles. The landscape features expansive mountains, deep canyons, natural hot pools and bubbling mud pots. Be sure to tune in and bring lots of questions on how to safely travel this landscape in Iceland during the Q+A session at the end of the presentation! 

