In North America Apr 27, 2020

Livestream Event: Learn About Icelandic Horses With Telma L. Tómasson

Tune into our Facebook page on April 27 at 3:00pm ET.

On Monday, April 27 at 3:00pm ET, Telma L. Tómasson, TV journalist, riding instructor and competitive rider in Iceland, will host a livestream presentation on Iceland Naturally’s Facebook page to discuss the Icelandic horse breed and its unique characteristics! 

The Icelandic horse is the manifestation of Icelandic nature: unique, pure, and genuine. The breed is charming but immensely powerful, spirited, and versatile. Its role as the “most indispensable servant” is not what it used to be, but the Icelandic horse continues to play a significant part in our lives. The Icelandic horse opens up a magnificent world of adventure. As a riding horse, the Icelandic horse grants access to a community of people where friendship, good company, and enjoyment of life are key. The Icelandic horse provides riders with an intimate link to nature, perfectly suited to the breed’s original characteristics and nature.

The approximately 30 minute presentation will be followed by a Q+A session where viewers can ask any questions they might have about Icelandic horses in the comments of the livestream, and Telma L. Tómasson will respond to them in real time! 

Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to learn all about this unique horse breed. Be sure to tune in to our Facebook page on Monday, April 27 at 3:00pm ET // 7:00pm GMT – and share the stream with your friends!  

About Telma L. Tómasson

Telma L. Tómasson is a riding instructor and competitive rider, and TV journalist and anchor at the newsroom of Channel 2 broadcasting company in Iceland. She has produced numerous TV programs about the Icelandic horse both as a recreation horse and for competition. Telma graduated from the department of equine studies at the University of Hólar and has been active in the Icelandic horse world for a long time. She is an active presenter of the Icelandic horse in the media and worked as chief editor at the Equine Magazine Eiðfaxi. Telma has touched ground in her work in various worlds, going from being a guide in horse trekking trips across the rugged highlands of Iceland to riding at top competition level. Telma is best known for her passion for horses and love for the beautiful Icelandic nature.

You can follow Horses of Iceland on Instagram here and Facebook here!

