In North America Feb 08–11, 2017

Join The Iceland Writers Retreat in Washington D.C.

Stop by and discuss Icelandic literature with the country’s first lady!

The Iceland Writers Retreat (IWR) will have a booth at the annual Association of Writers and Writing Programs Conference and Bookfair in Washington DC, February 8-11. The event attracts more than 12,000 attendees for readings, panels, lectures and access to a book fair featuring publishers, programs and events from around the world. Stop by the IWR booth and say hello to Iceland’s first lady, Eliza Reid. She and the rest of the IWR team would love to discuss Icelandic literature with you!

If you’re interested in diving deeper into the world of Icelandic literature, there are still a few spots remaining for the 2017 Iceland Writers Retreat which will take place April 5-9 in Reykjavik. Faculty  includes bestselling author Sara Gruen; Bret Anthony Johnston, Head of the department of Creative Writing at Harvard University; and Giller Prize winner Madeleine Thien. This year, IWR is excited to have attendees from more than 20 countries!

Have you attended an IWR event in the past? Tell us about your experience by tweeting us @IcelandNatural!

