In North America Apr 13–Jun 10, 2017

Icelandic Artists Hit the New York City Art Scene

Two dozen Icelandic artists were featured in a prominent Chelsea gallery this spring.

From April 13–June 10, 2017, the International Print Center New York featured pieces of more than twenty Icelandic artists. The screenprints, etchings, digital work, artist’s books, and 3D prints were designed to work cohesively in an effort to communicate the ethos of Iceland.

Entitled, “Other Hats: Icelandic Printmaking,” the display was imbued with themes of storytelling, mythmaking, portraiture, landscape, mapping and the interrogation of material. Among some of the artists featured were Birgir Andrésson, one of Iceland’s best-known contemporary artists, and Hallgrímur Helgason, one of the country’s most celebrated authors. The multidisciplinary approach to the project offered viewers a comprehensive look at some of Iceland’s top artistic minds. You can check out more information on the show here.

New York City blogger Liz Daly called the display a “lovely exhibit” and encouraged New Yorkers to head to Chelsea to check out the show. Among her favorite pieces were Magnús Thór Jónsson (Megas) series of etched self-portraits, using combinations of inks and the resulting variation in plate tone. Megas is known as one of Iceland’s most influential songwriters and provocateurs.

Image credit: Liz Daly’s Culture Digest

Do you have a favorite Icelandic artist? Let us know in the comments below or by tweeting us @IcelandNatural!

