In North America Nov 13, 2015

Iceland at a Watershed: Is it Different This Time Around?

Iceland is poised to become the next economic hotspot.

In the last decade, Iceland has gone from boom to bust and to boom again. The country now enjoys strong growth, low unemployment, (historically) low inflation and healthy external balance. The legacy of the 2008 banking crisis has made it difficult to lift the capital controls imposed then, but a resolution to these problems now appears imminent, accompanied by a reduction in public and external debt. Iceland will be in an enviable position if these plans are realized. Overheating of the economy is the main economic risk at present, especially in light of generous hikes in recent wage agreements.

Sponsored by the Icelandic-Canadian Chamber of Commerce, join Dr. Fridrik Mar Baldursson, professor of economics at Reykjavik University, for a discussion on where Iceland stands compared with European countries like Ireland and Greece. 

Icelandic Canadian Chamber of Commerce   

Corporate Sponsors:

   Bennett Jones


Everyday People Financial

Bluebird Cargo

Icelandic Seafood

