In Iceland Jun 20, 2020

Guided Summer Solstice Walk on Viðey Island

Celebrate summer solstice with a guided walk on Saturday, June 20 on Viðey Island.

On Saturday, June 20, Icelanders can enjoy a guided summer solstice walk on Viðey Island. Guests include President of the University of Iceland, Jón Atli Benediktsson, who will be delivering an interesting talk in Icelandic for participants, and MSc Nurse, Árný Helgadóttir, who will be offering the chance to warm up before the walk with a bit of light exercise and her motto: “Kraftganga (power-hiking) – moderate movement lightens life.

The walk follows a fun trail to a place known as Kvennagönguhól where there will be time to explore the area and listen to some fascinating stories about the location.

The solstice is the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere when the sun reaches its highest position in the sky and marks the moment when the days cease to get longer. After the solstice, the solar-noon sun gets progressively lower, and the days begin to get shorter. The exact moment of the summer solstice this year takes place at 9:44 pm GMT, at which point, the walk will be paused. Summer solstice walks have been held annually in Reykjavík since 1985, with this year marking the 10th event hosted on the island of Viðey. Often referred to as a “recommended walk for culture and life”, guests are urged to make conversation and enjoy each other’s company.

Guests are invited to bring a packed lunch and hot drink along to enjoy while listening to Jón’s talk before heading back to the ferry. The trail is moderate, and participants are encouraged to wear sturdy walking shoes and to bring a warm coat.

The ferry sails from Skarfabakki harbour to Viðey Island at 8:00 pm GMT. Return ferry tickets to Viðey Island cost 1.650 ISK for adults, 1.500 ISK for senior citizens, and 850 ISK for children 7 – 17 years old. Tickets are free for children six years and under. All children should be accompanied by parents or guardians.

