Jul 25, 2018

Celebrate Iceland’s Commerce Day Weekend!

From August 4-8, Iceland celebrates its long weekend in style with festivals, food and games!

Each year, Iceland’s Commerce Day gives the country an extra day off, extending their weekend from August 4 through 8. This weekend is a major travel holiday during Iceland’s summer as various towns and cities take part in holding their own festivities to celebrate! Featuring music festivals, soccer games, and family events there is something for everyone during these Commerce Day events, from the capital Reykjavik to the Westman Islands.

Two music festivals, Innipúkinn Music Festival and Þjóðhátíð, attract guests from all over the country and boast Icelandic artists such as Sálin hans Jóns míns, Júníus Meyvant and Sturla Atlas (our very own Taste of Iceland alum!). You can get tickets for the festivals here and here, respectively.

If music festivals aren’t your thing, there are still plenty of ways to enjoy the Commerce Day weekend! North Iceland and East Iceland will hold family festivals featuring food, a variety of entertainment and games for the whole family and even an open air concert every night! You can find more information about these festivals by clicking here and here, respectively.

Finally, what better way to spend the weekend than by taking part in an Icelandic swamp soccer competition? Mýrarbolti is a three-day soccer competition featuring a muddy pitch where teams from all across Iceland and abroad participate in tournaments and recreational matches. Anyone can join a team or just stay for the music and to watch the games! Get tickets and sign up here.

There are so many options to choose from during the Commerce Day weekend! Which events are you looking forward to? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter.

