In North America

The Arctic Open for Business

The Icelandic-American Chamber of Commerce annual conference will take place on Thursday, April 30th in NYC.

The Icelandic-American Chamber of Commerce (IACC) annual conference will take place on Thursday, April 30th from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. at New York City’s Scandinavia House on 58 Park Avenue. Light breakfast and registration will be from 8:45 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

The conference will focus on business development and operations in the Arctic region, a “last frontier” that yields much potential, yet offers many challenges.  Anyone interested in the learning more about current operations in the Arctic or potential investments in the region should attend.

In attendance will be distinguished speakers and panelists from the U.S., Canada, Greenland and Iceland representing a wide range of the government, business, media and academic sectors. We are lucky enough to have speakers from the Venture North Group, Icelandair, Eimskip and Ursus Capital, as well as the Iceland Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Greenland Representative to the U.S. 

The conference is hosted by the Icelandic-American Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Institute of the North and the American Icelandic Chamber of Commerce, the IACC’s sister chamber in Iceland.

RSVP:  Bergthora Laxdal, or (646) 282-9362
Conference fee (light breakfast included):  $40 
Conference Agenda:


IACC Corporate Sponsors:  Össur, Icelandair, Eimskip, siggi’s dairy, Oddi Printing, High Liner Foods and Íslandsbanki. Click here for additional information about the annual conference. 

The following day, on May 1, the Consulate General of Iceland is hosting a presentation on United Nations Procurement at their offices. From 10:00am to 12:00pm, Dmitri G. Dovgopoly, Director, United Nations Procurement Division, will present and then host a Q&A session for attendees. Icelandic companies have not been very active in bidding for contracts offered by the U.N., and this meeting provides a great opportunity to learn about the process.

The UN Procurement Office in NYC services departments such as Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT), Facilities and Commercial Service Division (FCSD), Department of Field Support (DFS) and Peacekeeping Missions, Political Missions, Offices Away from Headquarters (OAHs), Regional Economic Commissions, Tribunals, and other organizations seeking procurement support services. 


