May 04–03, 2016

Announcing our #WinIcelandAirwaves Winner!

Watch the video that is sending one lucky person to Iceland Airwaves ‘16.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to create amazing videos and enter our #WinIcelandAirwaves contest. We received 22 entries and over 12,000 votes! We enjoyed watching each of your entries, but after judging based on our criteria of creativity and votes, we have our winner: we would like to congratulate Kay Rodriguez, the grand prize winner of our #WinIcelandAirwaves video contest!

Kay’s creative video, which features an original song, has not only won over our hearts but has also won her a trip for two to the 2016 Iceland Airwaves music festival! The grand prize package includes festival passes, round trip international flights on Icelandair, three nights in an Icelandair hotel in Reykjavik and two Reykjavik City Cards. We would also like to congratulate our runners up, Yiannaxo, Dave Taub and Russo Mutuc for their creative and entertaining videos. They will receive two tickets to an Icelandic concert near them and a Blue Lagoon skincare package. Thanks again to everyone who entered, voted and shared our contest over the past several weeks!

Watch the four winning videos below. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did! Check back soon for more exciting contests from Iceland Naturally. Don’t worry if you didn’t win, Icelandair is offering a great travel deal (starting at just $615/person) to get you to Iceland’s biggest music festival – book your Iceland Airwaves package today!

Kay Rodriguez


Dave Taub

Russo Mutuc

