In Iceland Oct 22–23, 2015

100 Years of Women’s Rights in Iceland

Reflecting on women’s rights & sparking conversations on the current state of women in the world.

Photo: Pigprox /

Iceland has always been a frontrunner for gender equality – by 1850 they had already approved equal inheritance rights for men and women, and women had the right to hold office as early as 1908. Coming up this October is the exciting 100th anniversary of women’s civil rights. Celebrating this event is a conference, to be held in Reykjavik’s concert hall and cultural center, Harpa, on the 22nd and 23rd of October.

The conference is organized by RIKK, University of Iceland, and others in the field of gender liberation and human rights. The event will be held not only to reflect on the 100 years of civil rights, but also to open conversation and critical thinking on the present state of women in the world. October 22, the first day of the conference, is sponsored by the Nordic Council of Ministers. It will focus on the history of women’s suffrage in the Nordic countries and the present-day status of women’s political presence in the area. The next day, October 23, will revolve around current threats to women’s civil rights in an international context, including women’s share in the public space, women’s control over their own bodies and the gendered side of the economy. The conference is free, held in English and open to the public.

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity! Register before October 20th to get guaranteed seating. 100 years of striving toward a more equal space is no small matter, and to be able to discuss such matters freely with people of all statuses and ages who truly care is a once-in-a-lifetime chance. More information is available at the conference’s website.

